2024 – October part 1
hey there
It has been a mostly quiet month so far.
We took Ezra to an eye clinic and they’ve encouraged us to encourage him to wear glasses. That’s not a fun fight with a 10 to 11-month-old. Alas, we like a good fight.
NOAA has been forecasting the Northern Lights to make another appearance here in Oregon. We took a trip out to the same location where we successfully saw them last time (only a mile or two from the house) and ta-da! We got to see them again. Not quite as colorful as earlier in the year, but still super pretty.

In the morning we got up and little Ezra crawled up on a fan and stuck his fingers in it. Well, after that we got to see some blood. So thanks to that incident, we are having him wear a sock over a band-aid so he doesn’t rip it off.
The next day we went to our annual pumpkin patch at Liepold’s farm. It was fun.
We even ran into someone that Sky and I knew in college, Alan. It was good to see him- he spotted me and out of nowhere I heard someone say “Hey Jason!” I was confused. Who would be looking for me?
Anyway, we met his wife and his kids. Ended up spending a lot more time than usual at the patch. It was ironic because they’ve been going for as long as we have. They only go for the same reason we do – the mortgage company that we used has a friends and family day. Weird we have never seen them, but we can’t say that anymore.

The kids took to their kids. Elijah with his boy and Arabella with his girl. Luca kinda just tagged along with Elijah and we were carrying Ezra around.
That’s about all I have to say about that.
Until next time,
just Pray