2024 – August part 3
Amazingly, August is finishing up!
We spent the last few weeks of August keeping busy partly with Church activities.
VBS! The kids couldn’t go to more than one this year as they kept finding other things to do.
While they would go to VBS, the parents (us, my parents, Luca, and Ezra) would find other random places to hang out – one day we went to St. Johns.
On the last day of VBS, there was a perfectly shaped heart over the roof of the church. Fitting.

We got to watch Arabella and Elijah do their song and dance. It was cute and they liked doing it. Next year Arabella wants to volunteer at the churches that do VBS. We shall see!
What else?
Since we had my parents visiting we decided to meet up with Gramps and Nonnie for dinner. We are taking every opportunity for the kids to spend time with the grandparents – and pictures with all of them?! Even better.

One night Tmobile had a coupon for BOGO ice cream, so my dad got Elijah 3 scoops – he wasn’t disappointed.
We also went to church and found that they were having some huge event (we had missed the last few due to being sick) so they had bouncy houses, a cookout, and a gathering. The kids had a scavenger hunt and part of that was to take a picture with a silly face. Arabella to the rescue!

Last thing – we have been watching “May Day” which is all about airplane crashes- and how those crashes have changed the industry for the better (over time). One of those Episodes we watched was United Flight 173 which crashed in Portland in 1978. Across from that plaque is an empty field where there used to stand a house – but was destroyed by the crashing plane.
We probably wouldn’t have gone to visit, but this same day we noticed that a small plane crashed not too far from where we live. We looked it up and the NTSB and FAA are all over the place. Along the search for that crash, we found out about Flight 173.
It is a SUPER small area they have dedicated to it. I think they should buy the land across the street and make a better memorial for the 10 people who died on that flight. But what do I know?
just Pray