2024 – August part 2
So it’s been quiet around the house. Why?
Arabella has been gone. She left to go to her friend’s house for a sleepover for something like 9 days. Nuts, but she wanted to.
We have been cleaning which ironically has been a little easier to do.
Here are some random photos for this time. We took a trip to Walgreens and I snapped a photo of the smaller crew we had. Then I took a photo of Ezra looking snazzy with his glasses on (he typically doesn’t love to keep them on unless he is sitting with his mama). Also gave the kids a haircut. Lijah wanted a classic cut for him, a mohawk (thank you Cobra Kai and the characters)

I also caught Luca being really sweet with “his baby”- he was sitting on the couch and just making him explode in laughter. It was sweet. As soon as Ezra saw the camera he IMMEDIATELY stopped laughing and started staring at the phone camera. Like “What? I wasn’t doing anything!”

We had some people come and give us an estimate for Solar. Also checked out estimates to have our AC and Heater replaced. Long story short: even with federal rebates it is WAYYY out of our price range. We also went for a trip again to pick some berries (this time with my parents who were visiting) and Luca was himself, picking flowers for mommy.

Also, we found this oldie but a goodie of a Coyotes jersey. Had to pop it on the little man again.

RAIN!? in August? What madness is this? Stop the madness! But really, keep it going if it gets us more rain. I love rain and the cooler temps were lovely. The only bad part was I had an anniversary event planned for that day but ended up postponing it a day so we could go on clear weather.
Anniversary? Yeah, it’s that time again.
until next time
just Pray