2023 – November part 2
hey again
This year due to our odd schedule of having to work evenings and being forced to sacrifice our weekends, things have been off.
We ended up doing our pumpkin carving after Halloween. These are the designs the kids helped to design and carve.
Luca ended up falling asleep when we set them outside, so this was the best we could get from him. You can see a Spiderman, a princess who got sick, and a baby pumpkin.

We also are switching away from Xfinity. We will be trying out Ziply for a little and see if it’s any good. The speed is higher than Comcast offers, and the prices are (so far) lower.
Hmm.. the day is drawing near, seems to be doing so at a pretty good pace too.
We have decided to celebrate Thanksgiving early to allow for the time we will spend (over Thanksgiving weekend) at the hospital.
We planned it out. We even contacted the local tree farm which allowed us to come before they officially opened to get our tree.
Here are a few photos of the fun times we had:

Arabella wanted to pose for a photo next to Mt. Hood and I caught my dad tying down the tree to the car on the way home.
The next photos are of the Christmas lights up and running (before Thanksgiving this year). Our dinner at the Cheesecake Factory (we went all out to make it a little more special).
The next day, we had a semi-normal Turkey Day feast with mostly all of the fixings. Finally, on the 21st we went to get some Sushi for dinner.
The day is upon us!
just Pray