2023 – October part 2
Hey again,
So we are back in another rental. Yeah, I’m not kidding. We haven’t even been given back the money from our first rental while our transmission was replaced and yet here we are in another thanks to some corrosion that was happening on our paint that is also covered by warranty/recalls.
This time we picked out a fully electric car to rent. Our first time to do so – and thanks to some discount we found, it’s cheaper than an economy car.
It’s a Subaru Solterra. It gets around 250mi to a charge. I have to admit, I like it. I think it’s mainly the fully electric part that I like, but still.
What else? The kids picked out of the pumpkin patch that we had growing in the front yard.

In total, we got 17 pumpkins. I think the only thing we will change is that next year we are going to plant them all in our backyard, rather than the front.

That weekend we found a new pumpkin patch while looking for a new place to visit. Since we have an electric car, we don’t mind randomly driving around. We visited the Bushues family farm. Got some apple cider slushies and hot apple cider donuts.
That night we took the kids over to the Pirates of Pinehurst, something they have done for the last few years and still enjoy.
until next time
just Pray