2022 – September part 1

Work news: Jack (my manager) has been laid off. It came out of the blue to me. Bill and Linda (the only two remaining at BPA) were just as surprised. It seems that their time with BPA is going to end at the beginning of next month and they have no other work lined up. I don’t get a great feeling about this.

Our weather has been better as of late, but California is in a hot spell. I checked my app earlier and saw that Santa Clarita was 110 and Mesa was only 101.

Other weather news: we were so close to a new record, but just missed the mark:

Our rain has been non-existent but recorded JUST enough to break the streak.

Speaking of hot and dry, we were out and about and saw an accident occur on the street. Before we knew it the car was on fire. Much like the movies, it took only a few minutes, and then there was an explosion of more things catching fire.

We have been trying to get outside a bit more so we took the kids to the park to play basketball. It is still a bit high for them. I think we need to find a shorter hoop for them to play on. Luca loves it anytime he sees basketballs or someone playing but being the shortest and youngest it is also the hardest for him to play.

We took a trip to the Pacific NW Live Steamers. Above is a photo of the family riding one during their opening weekend. Free family events for the win!

The next day we went down to Canby and saw the Swan Island Dahlia festival. Afterward, we went to In-N-Out to feed the hungry kiddos.

September also means that we will START to have better weather. As you can see from the graphic above at the beginning of September we average 80-degree days. By the start of November, we will be in the 50s on average. Bring it! I can’t wait for the fall weather to come and for the leaves to start and change.

We had a bit of fire start up south of where we live and it caused some smoky skies. Did you notice the fence?! The neighbor – just this month – has completed fixing the fence. He decided to take the rest of it down and redo the whole thing to match the fence that he has on the other sides of his house. Our backyard looks so much better with it up. The dog also likes not having to be on a leash in our own backyard.

The boy is growing bigger (as you can tell in his photo with mommy). He now can fit some of the clothing that Elijah wore when he was 3 years old. He isn’t even 2 yet!

We went to Ikea (we don’t usually shop there) but we picked up a bookshelf. It was a tad bigger than expected so I had to leave the kids behind while I made a quick trip home to drop it off. It’s still better (and cheaper) than renting a truck.

just Pray

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