10 years

It has been 10 years since I was married. TEN years.

Need a recap of the day and the events afterward? (click here)

Also, I think it’s probably been that long since I spoke with Jeff. Okay maybe I’ve talked to him once or twice via text (with the last time being many years ago), but really nothing at all. That is all another story for another time.

I wouldn’t mind being back in San Diego tonight. I just had posted on Zenosyne– the whole idea of how quickly life passes by. If this isn’t an indication then I don’t know what is. It doesn’t seem like it has been 10 years, but in other ways, it seems like it’s been longer than that. We technically should have another few years added on to our total number for the marriage but at least we are ‘officially’ in double digits.

This year? No really big plans. We looked into going somewhere to get away for even a day, but hotels simply cost too much right now. I think we will instead go out for dinner somewhere nice this weekend. My parents are visiting from California until Monday so that we can have a night out (and visit with us and the kids).

just Pray

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