2022 – April part 2
We have been going to this smaller Christian church (trying to go) and it hasn’t been a great fit. Here is a photo from Easter Sunday accompanied by our Easter Bunny photo taken with the kids.
Spring is a great time to be in the Northwest – check out the view below of Mt. Hood from our viewpoint.
Speaking of viewpoints, look at this kid. Luca was treated to a bubble bath much to his delight.
We took a trip over to the Holland American Flower Garden. Afterward, we stopped for gas – yeah that is not a typo- 4.08. That is no Bueno.
We took a scenic trip home and along the way, we came across this glow in the distance. It turns out there was a building filled with neon signs from the past. We stopped to look and then the owner came out and explained that this was his house. He offered for us to come inside and show us around. Pretty nice and random.
We took another trip down to Bush’s Pasture Park and caught some pretty good photos of the kids. See above.
A while back JJ dropped off some Pear Gummies that were Cannabis infused. The wife and I tried them and they were relaxing.
Finally, on the way home, Arabella asked for my phone to take a picture of a rainbow. Later on, I checked my camera roll and saw that she captured a selfie with her siblings in the backseat.
Crazy kids.
just Pray