2022 – April part 1

The kids have been wanting to adopt a dog. So has the wife. She told me we could either have a dog or another baby. So we went out looking for dogs this weekend. There was one that everyone seemed to like. We didn’t get him though – why? Well, the adoption fees are INSANE. Like $400 for the puppy who still needs his shots and registration. It is just nuts, ever since COVID people charge whatever they want and expect everyone to fork it over.

It has been getting nice outside so we have been letting the kids play with their sidewalk chalk. Luca would like to, but his favorite thing? Typing away on the keyboard when he is sitting with me for work.

It never seems to end, with things needing to be done. We were driving along the freeway and a car hit a metal object and ended up flinging it into our land and directly at our car. Caused damage and will be filing another claim. Ugh.

At home, the kids are big cheeseballs. See the three troublemakers below. At the mall, we were surprised to see that Toys R Us (the original company went bankrupt, but after getting out of all the debt the leaders of the old company created the new one) is making a comeback and will be in Macy’s stores later this year.

Remember that fence that was knocked down by the wind? We finally had someone come and remove it from the yard. The next-door neighbor has been dragging his feet so much with doing anything with it that we decided it was time for us to do something. At least now we won’t have all of that stuff just lying on our grass.

Portland is known for sometimes having a late snowstorm. We got one!

As is typical for our family – once we got the snow storm we took a walk to our coffee house which is a walkable distance from us. One thing I like about living East of Portland is that we get more snow. Since we are in Gresham (and on the border of not even being in Gresham) we got about 6 inches or so of the white stuff. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

just Pray

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