2022 – March part 1
At the start of this month, we were able to meet up with Gramps and Ellie. We went to Sharis and since my parents were in town for Arabella’s birthday they came along for the ride. It was good to see them but ever since we have moved specifically to be closer to them we have seen them so much less than ever before.
Given everything that has been going on in the world and the rising costs of living (housing in particular), also given that we have been able to visit people a ton less than we planned we decided to take a trip to the southwest and see if there is any possibility for moving there. Making a better overall move for our family. We want to explore whatever option we have.
The plan was to travel down to visit my parents, then make a quick trip to Arizona and see what options we had. We have been exploring the options and saw that there are new home builds that are within our price range. New Homes! Anyway, we will see what happens.
Along the way down we decided to stop and do some touristy things. Luca and Arabella had never been to the Jelly Belly factory, so we checked that out. We went to a lighthouse for Elijah (and the family likes it too) but that walk was something else- especially having Luca in a front pack. On our way, we also stopped by a cheese store in Marin and saw the Point Reyes shipwreck. Pretty cool.
That night we explored San Francisco a little, the art area (seen below) then stayed a night at a hotel. And then the next day we stopped in San Jose (for the last stop) to see an old town preserved with working Trolleys and everything. The kids were stoked to be able to ride.

The next stop after this was back at my parent’s house in Newhall, CA.
Yeah, we lived in California previously, but there were still touristy things we wanted to do. Here is what we did: during the day I worked remotely at their kitchen table. Then at night, we were able to explore, even things that my parents (who live there) haven’t done.
Such as Angels Flight, the Last Bookstore, and a lovely ice cream store downtown.

We made the stop to La Brea to see the tar pits and the lights display that they have as well. I’ve been there multiple times and it’s still cool to see.
We are just getting started! We haven’t even gotten to Arizona yet. Stay tuned!
just Pray