2022 – February part 2

This month started with a bit of a mess. Luca got into the Marshmallow Fluff and went to town. We found him, cheesy grin and all like he had won the lottery.

In our family room, I walked into the above scene. My Little Ponies in a half circle being led by a Pegasus and Iron Man. What a sight, imagine that movie!

Speaking of movies – Russia continued its war against Ukraine. If you recall they have been at this for years now – in March of 2014 they invaded Crimea and now they are trying to take over more of the country. Not the kind of thing you want to hear about. Stop the war!

This has also caused gas prices to soar since this was announced. I guess (from my understanding) is that we had gotten some crude oil from Russia and now that supply may stop altogether and cause a bigger energy crisis.

War is a terrible thing.

On to happier news: ARABELLA’S BIRTHDAY!!!! Seriously, I know I’ve said it before but stop her from growing anymore – thanks. She is now 8 and that is about 5 years older than she should be. We had a Mandalorian-themed birthday (as it is one of her favorite things to watch). She enjoyed it, especially the part where we played the theme song to the show as she walked out to the kitchen. We changed our smart bulbs to different colors that she liked to match the mood of the room.

After that, we went downtown and saw the “NO WAR” sign in the colors of the Ukrainian flag – something we agreed with.

[End quote: War is a cowardly escape from the problem of peace. – Thomas Mann]

just Pray

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