2021 – August part 2
America is pulling out of Afghanistan after a long time. Unfortunately, they aren’t doing it in the right way (read here about it). There are allies of America who may be killed if they aren’t taken to America, and at this point, we are washing our hands of them and the situation. Common, be better – grant them asylum or something. The video of people hanging on to the plane as it takes off shows the sheer desperation to leave the country before it falls into other hands.
In other fun news, COVID is making another run and the ICUs are filling up again. It seems never-ending and also it seems like we will never get herd immunity because too many people refuse to be vaccinated.
Something on a more positive note: I recently passed 2 years at BPA (and just as long with P3).

I wanted to have the family walk across the St. Johns bridge (including Luca and the wife) because the views are great and it’s our favorite landmark in that area while we did we noticed someone had tagged “LOVE” many different times on the side wall and took this chance to take a photo. Recently we also have been made aware of thousands of sand dollars that have been washing up on the Oregon coast (read about it here). Naturally, we took a trip to see them in person – and it is true. there was a ton of them washing ashore.

We found a random train and took photos with Elijah in front of it. So since we have met our out-of-pocket deductible (as Luca was born in January) we can get free medical for the rest of the year, the expenses covered. Due to this, the wife has been going to physical therapy to help her heal from the surgery. One afternoon I dropped her off and made my way through the parking lot when there was this van that started backing up AFTER our car was in the way. They didn’t slow down or stop when I honked and ended up hitting us (photos above). After the person got out of the van they went inside the place of business and a corporate manager for Dutch Brothers came out and apologized and said they would be taking care of everything.
Yuck, I don’t want to have to do this again.

Ended out this hot summer month by going to White River Falls (near bend) and then coming back into town and going to a splash pad on the west side – allowing both Elijah and Arabella to run around and get soaked.
just Pray