2021 – June part 2
So around the middle of this month, we took a trip to another park—the Painted Hills. It is also known as one of the seven wonders of Oregon.
It was cool to see and worth the visit. Since we were on a road trip we decided to also go to the Wallowas and went to Wallowa Lake to dip our toes in.

This is in far eastern Oregon, so we had to stay the night (the kids were not disappointed by this). On our way home we came across this small town, Echo Oregon. If you blink, you might miss it, but we had some time and explored a little bit. Also found some history: On December 22, 1927, William Edward Hickman, the murderer of Marion Parker in Los Angeles on December 17, was arrested by police near the town. The place of Hickman’s arrest was once even commemorated by a billboard.
If you go down the rabbit hole and look up that case, it is pretty gruesome.
7 wonders of Oregon?
Yeah – if you are wondering, here they are:

We have done everything but Smith Rock.
We returned home and oversaw the building of a fence on our property line. The side neighbor did not like us apparently because the Police once showed up on our doorstep. Complaints of a child upset – to which they talked to the kids and left but not before letting us know it was fine and that it was likely a nosy neighbor (while motioning to our next-door neighbor).
We had mentioned getting a fence to him and he said he didn’t care either way. Once the fence was up we saw a moving van come and load up his house. He sold his house and moved to Vancouver. bleh.
Anyway, so that’s the nice new fence we have.
Did I mention how hot it has been lately? In the hundreds but not like 101, like 110 to 116. That is NUTS. It was so hot that even the beach was over 100 degrees (air temp) while in the water. Portland hitting 116 degrees now has the THIRD hottest recorded temperature of a major US city (image below of the list). #2 is Vegas at 117, and #1 is Phoenix with 122 (which I was there for as well).

The TV image shows 114 at the time that I took the picture. Yuck. This month will also go down as the hottest overall month (average temp) ever recorded in Portland. Anyway, the heat finally ended up breaking, and when it did – it did so quickly. See the graphic above about the 52-degree swing that broke a new record. But hey, yeah – there is no such thing as global warming. No, no way. *rolls eyes*
Ending this month on a positive note: Luca was hoisted up for a photo on a quick walk that we took while going to Wahkeena Falls.
just Pray