2021 – April part 1
I am still working from home (over a year now of doing so) and I hope to never go back.
After I get off of work I’m able to quickly finish up things that need to be done – like mowing the lawn. Also (as mentioned previously) I’m able to go for walks with the kids. See the photo of Arabella with the audio/headband around her head.
April 4th (Easter Sunday) came and passed, but not before we took some photos of our little jelly bean. We also dressed them all up in Mandalorian outfits (it is a new-ish show on Disney+ and they like it). They especially loved having matching but separate outfits.

Baby Luca has been growing up so quickly. He is fitting his home outfit snugly now – so we have him wear it whenever we can to get the use out of it. He fell asleep holding my hand and holding on to Jack (see photo). Went to the park with the kids and Elijah wanted to take a picture with me. When they want to take one WITH one of us?! Yeah, let’s not pass that opportunity up.
Given that it is still early April, we were able to go to Bushes Pasture Park in the Salem area. We were fortunate to catch them before sunset, pretty much in the photographer’s “golden hour” which makes for some great shots.
Then you still notice a lot of covered bridges (see below):

We have been on a kick this year to see as many covered bridges as we can. We have a Google map with pins all over the place so we have now even organized them by categories that we want to see/do. Anyway, you will be seeing more bridges and whatnot than normal. I will promise you that I will maybe show only 20% of the photos that we take so you will be somewhat spared. However, they are still pretty cool. Each bridge with its unique history. I could probably blog one complete post for every covered bridge, maybe sometimes fitting 2 of them. Mostly there is a lot of information on them but occasionally I come across some with little to nothing. I hope you can appreciate them.
The history of these bridges is cool and pretty much other than Oregon and a few random ones here and there you would have to head east to see this amount of them. If you are in the area sometime, check them out. There are 54 of them – here is the list.
[End quote: “Build bridges instead of walls, and then you will have many friends.” – source unknown]just Pray