2020 – October part 2
We recently installed a new lock for the door. We have been going throughout the house and installing updates as much as we can. I also hiked up on the roof to see if there was any way to get Christmas lights installed near the roof line. Wanted to do something a little more traditional this year, but alas we cannot as there is no easy way to do so. The view was pretty great though.
Maryia also had a baby shower and Arabella wanted to go to hangout with the other kids and help mommy. Elijah however did not have a desire to sit through all the boring adult talk (a phrase famously coined by Arabella). Instead, I took him to Columbia Park over in north Portland (where we had previously lived within walking distance from) and let him go crazy.
Ballot Box?! Yes, we voted. The candidates are Trump and Biden. We voted for Biden and sent in the MAIL IN BALLOT. Those words would probably drive Trump up the wall and all of his followers.
As long as I have lived in Portland there has ALWAYS been a view that I wanted to catch and see for myself. In the fall, go find a Japanese Maple tree that is changing color and then make sure you catch it when the sunlight can shine through it. We were on the west side, closer to downtown, and came across this house with these giant Japanese Maple trees. Oh man did they showcase their brilliant colors.
Those photos above are some of my all-time favorite photos that I’ve taken of fall colors.
We ended the day by going to Joe Browns Carmel Corn and grabbing a bag before heading home and meeting up with JJ who came to visit with the fam.
just Pray
note: this post was published on 09/21/22 but moved the publish date back to the end of October 2020 to keep chronological order.