2020 – April

April again.

We have been working from home since this COVID gripped the world. Places in Europe are really getting hit hard. Trump is still refusing to shut things down – so all the local governments are doing what the president won’t do.

You can see I have a little bit of a better setup now at home. The wife does these reviews where they give products for free, and anyway she got a keyboard that was backlit – it was good because I had to use the keyboard on the laptop previously. If I’m being honest, that was not nearly as good.

COVID restrictions have been getting so tight that here in Oregon (where there is a law that says someone must pump your gas) they are having people pump themselves. It felt weird getting out and pumping my own gas.

Arabella ripped out one of her teeth. It looks bad– she didn’t want to let it go even though we advised her to. She kept pulling and pushing and eventually it came out – along with blood. If you look at that photo of her mouth – Yikes! We called the dentist and sent photos, they believe no long-term damage will come of it – which came as a big relief as it looks pretty gnarly.

We have been doing Church services during the week since Abundant Life doesn’t have any in-person services right now. One thing I will say, despite everything it has really been nice to know that our church is different than what a big portion of the church is dealing with. Our pastor has been talking about social injustice, walking across the political aisle, about having a community where we partner with other faiths to help grow bonds. It is nice to see that Centrals core has stuck with this church.

Speaking of that… see that pastor with the creepy smile? Watch the video here. It is mostly comical and a little embarrassing as a Christian, however, that remix is lit.

You will also notice our backyard looks like it has been demolished. It hasn’t! We have been taking down parts of our deck because it ruined the backyard. It split it into 2, plus it made everything feel immensely smaller. More photos to come on that project.

The kids have been cute, as it is easter time we got out the plastic eggs and took some photos in our backyard with the tree still blooming in pink.

Have you watched the news? Check it out here. Maryia was featured in a clip (screenshot below) from when we went to the AMAZING game against the Thunder. I’m walking next to her, however, you can only see my arm.

We finally have all of that wood removed! Woohoo! Inside though the kids like to make a mess with books. They take them and spread them out as far as they can. It drives us crazy and ends up having to pick them up and put them away. The kids do it so painstakingly slow that it borders on hindering vs helping. The wife got me a foot rest for under the computer (which is actually nice to have) however the kids just LOVE using it as a full body pillow (see below).

Nearing the end of the month you can see more photos of us being a part of the “at-home church” – along with a cute photo of Elijah on a walk we took recently in Salem. Look at the purple tree! Everything has been blooming so much as of late.

It is getting harder to be outdoors, a lot of the popular areas are closed (photos above) thanks to COVID. We have been doing our part and have switched to mainly picking up groceries on a “curbside” basis to avoid going into the stores.

We went and took our car to get its windows tinted (while we were down in Salem, we found a local place that did it on the cheap). Side note: I think you should be allowed to have dark tint, however in Oregon, it’s super light (the legal limit). If you want darker then you run the risk of a cop pulling you over, ripping your tint off, and getting a big fine in the form of a ticket. Maybe not super likely, but I’d rather not risk it.

just Pray

note: this post was published on 09/13/22 but moved the publish date back to the end of April 2020 to keep chronological order.

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