2020 – February part 1
The kid’s bedrooms are fully set up. It took a lot of work but they finally have everything in place – the pink room is Arabella’s and the Blue/Gray room is Elijah’s room. It has been cold this winter. In fact, we got another dusting of snow this first week this month (see below).
Last year I got a letter in the mail that indicated I was selected for Jury duty. A special kind of Jury duty – this was for a murder trial. I ended up going to court and was selected as an alternate juror in the process. Most people were itching to give any excuse to get out of jury duty – even their body language would suggest as much.
The process since this is a murder trial is a little different than others. Instead of a couple of days, this could last a couple of weeks. I checked with work and they confirmed that I’d get paid regularly for the days I was doing the trial, so it’s a win-win.
February also means the Portland Winter Lights festival. It is fun doing these events with the kids even if its cold outside. I have to admit that this year (while cold) was not nearly as cold as last year when it was in the 20s outside.
Another thing I like is that the artists try to sometimes take items that would be discarded and turn them into art. It works really well. This year we also got to take the “Crystal Dolphin” across both sides (part of the Portland Spirit ship fleet).
We are getting some use out of all of the license plates we have acquired over the years. In our house (in Mesa) we had them lined up edge to edge across the top border of the garage. This time we had a big space with nothing on it, so we said let’s make use of the space! It also should create a talking point (I would assume) as I would mention something if I saw as many plates as we have.
This whole time I’ve been enjoying my time as a Juror. I’d recommend anyone to do this – I really don’t know why people complain about it so much. In my lunch hour, I typically take strolls all around downtown Portland. There is so much to see – plus having an hour (which I find excessive for a lunch) leaves me with a lot of time to peruse the area.
The television that we had since we first moved to Arizona was broken. Elijah was upset about turning off what he was watching and threw his cup (which ended up hitting the screen, leaving the mark you see above).
just Pray
note: this post was published on 09/07/22 but moved the publish date back to the middle of February 2020 to keep chronological order.