2019 – January

It is surprising that we are almost in 2020! One year away, who would have thought?

We started our year on the Oregon Coast. We wanted to look at some of the murals which Travel Oregon put up across the state. No less than a day later I was back at work. The picture below is a frosted/frozen rearview mirror.

Around this time we celebrated a birthday. My brother mentioned wanting to meet up with the family and meet the kids – in particular Elijah (he already met Arabella a total of one time). We took him to Oasis which is a Lebanon Cusine restaurant. Beef shwarma with Tahani rice is so good. I found this restaurant thanks to a co-worker at Intel who is Lebanese. He said it was the closest he could get to his mom’s cooking without being home. Anyway, Michael ordered a plate, tried half of a half of a bite, and decided that the rest could be thrown away because he didn’t like it. Kris (not his wife, yes he is still married but this is his girlfriend) liked it. We went outside and took a photo since these types of things are super rare.

I spent time at work. See the image of the two monitors? Yeah, that really glossy one drove me CRAZY. It was basically like looking into a mirror rather than a monitor. With the picture above it was off, but it gives you an idea of the amount of glare.

We found another ‘Oregon is Magic’ mural on the west side of the Portland metro area and my mom took a photo with me.

Took another trip over to the coast. If you are wondering we did a lot more trips west as it was less than an hour to Seaside. It made the weekends just a step away from the coast, which we all enjoyed. The photo of my work laptop in the office setting was actually me dropping our car off at the repair shop to get the hit and run fixed.

While we were traveling we came across a local roadside stand that had this raw honey. How cool is that? It was part of the honeycomb and was 100% edible.

We went to Church (still on Thursdays) and were learning more about the congregation. Eventually feeling like it would be something we could get super involved with. We seemed to align with the values of the church and the people. For the first time, we found a home church in the Northwest!

One nice thing about Seaside is that they have a swing set on the beach. The kids love to use these. Elijah just loved the beach in general.

We finally got the call that our car was repaired. When we came to the shop they told us that they couldn’t get our car started. Apparently, someone left the lights on while they were doing the repair. This is a photo of them trying to figure out how to jump the car. As it is a hybrid I had to inform them that the battery is located in the trunk of the car.

Arabella got the My Little Pony night light. She really liked it and Elijah thought anything that glowed was fun to play with (as you can see from their faces).

You can see the kids on one of our trips to Ikea (we had dinner on this occasion). There is another photo of them playing doctor (with Elijah getting the doctor’s glasses). Knowing that our time at Intel was limited we wanted to see and do as much as we could. So we ventured throughout Portland and found these really pretty murals across the city. We finished off our month with Elijah coming down with a cold. Poor guy was running a 102.1 and felt pretty crummy.

just Pray

note: this post was published on 08/23/22 but moved the publish date back to the end of January 2019 to keep chronological order.

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