2019 – December part 2
Can you believe we are halfway through December?
Arriving early in the office is very often beautiful in the views. One particular morning with the sunrise yet to come and the sky looking peach/orange color, you could clearly see Mt. Hood standing out (see the horizon on the left side). Also, I found a screenshot I took earlier in the month about this article from Christianity Today. Give it a read, it’s worthwhile. I also like to see Christians standing up as well as against what Trump is standing for. Christian Nationalism is running rampant and unchecked, not sure if it was always this way – or if I can only see now it since Trump has been in office.
Politics aside, we took the kids to the Dentist and the eye doctor. Our offer on the home was submitted and accepted! They want to have a closing before the end of the month which will be pushing it, but I’m fine with it. I’m not so sure that buying a home is the best idea in the world because I don’t feel great about the situation at BPA. There seems to be a lack of work.. and this is after waiting for work for the last 4 months. There was a new hire this month (Laci) who was with us on our trip to SFO. She told me she is going to be putting her notice in after the first of the year because she doesn’t see much work-wise and instead will take her old role back.
All that being said, it makes me incredibly nervous to do this. I mostly feel sick to my stomach just thinking about it.. so let’s move on.
The first In-N-Out has opened in Keiser (Salem area) and we had to make a visit. Lines were long and it was cold outside, but inside was some delicious food that we were used to. I think we will need to come back and brave the lines in the future. Our annual trip to the Aspen Meadow Christmas Lights came and we met up with Louis, Angel, and the girls — I’m glad they are getting along better now.
It’s a pretty display. I’m glad we have made this something we do each year.
Next up before Christmas is a Blazers game! This time it is a special event because we are treating our boy to a game all by himself! It brings us joy to see the happiness that the kids get from doing things like this. As a hardcore fan, it also makes me proud.
We went to a Christmas eve service at the Church and then celebrated Christmas with my parents. Afterward, we went to a bunch of Christmas light displays (including Peacock lane).
The next day we took a trip up on the Mountain (Mt. Hood) to brave the elements and see some snow.
Ended the day on a note when we went to “Ducktales Kitchen” in Vancouver, WA for my mom who loves all things ducks.
END OF THE YEAR! What else could happen?
Below is a photo of Michelle and Sky, along with my jeans… waiting for the office to take us to sign our papers. We did it! We are 100% done. As of December 2019 we now own a home in Oregon.
Never did I ever think I would be saying those words – at least not given how things have been going as of late. Here is a picture of the keys and the dark house that we locked up.
Happy New Year! Here is to a great 2020!
just Pray
note: this post was published on 08/30/22 but moved the publish date back to the end of December 2019 to keep chronological order.