2018 – October part 2
We made our way back from California, and a long drive up 101 on the Oregon Coast. I dropped off the car so early that it was super dark outside. I decided that I would go straight to work and get off early later that day. Nothing that I was doing required others to provide input. I arrived at work at 2:40am and got to work (picture below)
On another note: on October 15th Paul Allen (co-founder of Microsoft, owner of the Seahawks and Trail Blazers) died from cancer.
Rip City? What is that from?? If you don’t know where that phrase came from keep reading:
“The date is February 18, 1971. The Portland Trail Blazers are playing their rivals, the Los Angeles Lakers, and they’re losing. Bad.
After being down by more than 20 points, the Blazers found themselves with a chance to tie the game. Shooting guard Jim Barnett got the ball and took an ill-advised shot from nearly half-court (and this was before the three-point shot existed). Somehow, the ball found the bottom of the net. Barnett tied the game.
The crowd burst into cheer, and the team’s play-by-play announcer, Bill Schonely, spewed a nonsensical phrase. “RIP CITY, ALRIGHT!” he yelled. The legendary announcer is the first to admit he has no idea where the words came from, nor did he have any idea his stream of consciousness word vomit would catch fire and change Portland culture forever.”
The organization made a tribute to him with a bunch of roses all over the iconic “Rip City” sign so we ventured downtown to capture the moment.

Meanwhile, we were nearing the middle to end of the month, which would mean the normal pumpkin patches and tree hunting for fall foliage. This time we invited the family out to the patch so that we could get some photos with the kiddos and cousins etc.
We even decided to stop at the street art that we could find throughout Portland. We visited also “Halloween town” in St Helens.

As you can see, we also visited our old stomping grounds (Cascade College). Even though the campus (which ran as a branch campus of Oklahoma Christian University) was shut down the property was sold to Columbia Christian Schools. Why? Well before it was Cascade College it was Columbia Christian Schools, which turned into Columbia Christian College. When funding was low they sought others schools to help which OC did for about 15 years. Funding got to be an issue again and they closed, but selling the land back to Columbia Christian schools made the most sense. So the college that I went to is still Christian based, but now more for kids than anyone.
We went to another Blazers game (yes, we do enjoy going but can’t afford season tickets). The individual games we would get for free or next to free so it made it much easier to do. Blazers was nearby and we had a nice family photo. The PGA was on the side of the building in memory of Paul G Allen.

Rounding out the rest of the month I spent some more time at work (look at the fun food they would have!). Every couple of weeks they would have some specialized food event that was free for everyone to have.
Finally, the kids got some trick-or-treating in. St. Johns was a great location for this (picture of Arabella and Elijah)- we even found a nice small church near us that was hosting an event too (picture of the kids in a circle). It was fun and they really got into the whole pirate-themed event.
just Pray
note: this post was published on 08/22/22 but moved the publish date back to the end of October 2018 to keep chronological order.