2018 – October part 1


OCTOBER is here. We are coming up on a year since we went to London and I can’t believe it!

One of the cool things as I previously mentioned about Intel is all of the things they do for the employees. It is the best experience I’ve had in that regard. The Bluetooth team was celebrating a win by reaching a milestone in one of the projects and so the leader of the group decided to have the department go on a cruise to celebrate.

I wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity.

It was a couple of hours long. Nothing too crazy, but they served dinner and dessert. Here are some photos from that experience.

It did rain, but it was magical. I loved having the hot coffee and sitting looking out the window on this little cruise of the part of the world I have become familiar with. I walked all around – there weren’t many people outside due to the rain, but I have never been one to mind and had some peaceful moments with a few others who were there too.

Later during the weekend, we took a trip to Stonehenge. Or at least a re-created version of what it once looked like. We went to go see some fall leaves at the Boardman tree farm since it would be one of the (if not the last) chances to see it before new owners were tearing all of the trees down.

Once we saw some leaves, we took a trip over towards Yakima. There was a Dino park that was supposed to be fun and Elijah has a thing for Dinosaurs. Arabella (when she was little) would call them “Dyna-horses” a mix of a dinosaur and a horse. Made sense to me.

While in town we stopped at a few landmarks including Miners.

We made our way back home and caught a Blazers game (below) near the middle of the month. It was nice to see them beat the Suns. Then we made semi-big plans to go to June Lake! Why?! Well, it was one of the best experiences we had when looking for fall colors and we really wanted to share this experience with the family. It really is something that should be done, even if the photos don’t do justice.

You may notice only a few photos from June Lake. There were many others, however, after we went to June Lake we made our way up the coast. Had some awesome fun at the beach (caught the sunset) and going north we visited the Redwoods. After we parted ways with my parents we took 101 up the coast before getting back into Portland. While on the southern coast we saw the fog roll in from the ocean and it also happened to be at sunset.

just Pray

note: this post was published on 08/22/22 but moved the publish date back to the end of October 2018 to keep chronological order.

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