2018 – September

Another big month!

As mentioned in August, we finished the month with a trip overnight to Washington. We rented an Air BnB and stayed in a smaller town. It was fun, we enjoyed it. On the second day, we decided to go to Snoqualmie Falls and hit up the touristy sites like the Space Needle.

We also had an opportunity to visit an airplane that was surrounded by a forest/wooded area. Read about it here and here – and this is his official site! At the time of visiting you could email him to visit and he sent us a response when he would be around and to stop by. Super cool. Also, what is that? A leaf? Is it possibly getting cooler outside?! Yessss!

Took another trip to meet up with Gramps. This time he was excited to show us and the kids how his gardening was coming along. Got to eat some tasty baby tomatoes and got some other food that they simply had too much of!

We also took a trip out to Seaside to get some beach time! The Sunset was amazing AND I FOUND A SAND DOLLAR.

Okay, I get it probably isn’t that exciting, but on the west coast they are much harder to find than you might think.

Also took a trip to Oaks park as they were having some event where you could ride all the rides with a wristband on the cheap. Look at that cute boy! Oh, and the girl took a photo back when we were visiting Seattle next to the pig (of course) in Pikes Place.

One afternoon I noticed that the Blazers were doing an event in downtown Portland. I quickly was able to take a long lunch and picked up the family to go. It was a great decision as we caught the perfect timing of a new sponsor (BioFreeze, hence the ice) and were given some tickets to a game. It was first come, first serve and we missed out on the tickets. However, the Blazers rep that was at this event walked over to us and mentioned how he wanted to give us tickets too! Then another gentleman in the area walked up and said he also wanted to give his tickets up so that Arabella could go again. We asked to take a photo with him (see below).

Free Blazers tickets? I won’t complain about that!

We also wanted to show Arabella our brick (see below) so on another day we returned and hunted down the location of our Brick (it was a gift to Maryia some years before).

It is nearing the end of September and that means Costumes are coming into play for October. Ara wanted to be a Lion and Lijah was a little dragon – those kids are so silly. Also, in September there was a “free museum” day and we took the kids to go to the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum (read about it here). The photo below is little Lijah looking out in wonder over all of the planes.

We decided to take the kids to some local pumpkin patches, and at the same time, we did our “fall photos” or at least some of them. Does fall mean rain?! I love rain.

Finally, we went to the Blazers “fan fest” which is a free event they put on almost every year. We started getting into these events years ago and when we had kids in Arizona it just made more sense to go because it’s designed for the littles. Here are a few snaps of the night!

just Pray

note: this post was published on 08/19/22 but moved the publish date back to the end of September 2018 to keep chronological order.

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