2018 – May
It’s gonna be MAY.
Have I ever mentioned that I like the pacific northwest? Well, I do.
Waking up to a freshly rained-on car, the brisk cool air fills your lungs. Use the seat heaters as you go to work and enjoy the weather! In May — in Arizona, it would be up and over 100 degrees already and stay that way until the end of October. Not in the PNW.
Another thing that is nice is how big the backyard is. Look at the massive size. Sure that means that there is a lot of grass to be kept up with but its a great size, especially when you have kids who love being active.

At work, I had gotten my name tag up and going. Picture of the work area. Also as mentioned before this is another view of our side yard, with yours truly at the helm of a mower. We took a weekend trip over to Long Beach in Washington. Elijah however decided that he wanted to eat some sand rather than just play in it.
We had fun with filters on our phone (as you can see below, Ara likes to take photos. Elijah was not as excited. So we gave him a night cap. Also had the opportunity to visit Rainbow Dragon. This was a place that the wife frequented in her college days. Still has good food at an affordable price. The Orange Chicken isn’t as good as Panda Express (to me) but everything else is great.

I suppose if you are ever in the area, you can check it out for yourself and let me know. It looks pretty average on the outside and a little dated on the inside, but that doesn’t really matter if the food is good.
May means a birthday!
Elijah turns one.
We had a low-key party as we had recently moved to the area. We wanted to ensure that everyone who wanted to go could go. Below are a couple of photos of the event. He really enjoyed himself and loved getting all of the attention (I mean, who wouldn’t – besides me that is)

Rounding things out, we went on a really pretty hike. The picture of Arabella looking up at the greenery is one of my favorites. Elijah got into the frosting and LOVED every minute of it. I think he ate most of the jar. At this point, we were also making the regular trip over to ALC (Abundant Life Church). One of the first few weeks we went we stopped and asked about the new pastor.
“Pastor Jeremy? He is GREAT. You know, it has been a little different because we never use to need to bring our bible, but now we do!”
That comment took us back a little – not needing your bible at church? What exactly were you doing?
We also asked about getting involved in a small group. Do they have anything on the west side of Portland? It took us probably 45 minutes to an hour to get to church. Doing that for a small group two or three times a week didn’t seem reasonable.
“We don’t have anyone who hosts small groups outside of the area. If you want, you can get involved with one locally, however, that far away isn’t something that we have plans for. I know at one point we had a few people from the west side who came here, but I think they stopped going.”
Those two things left us with much to be desired, however trusting the pastor that took the helm, we considered this a good fit.
just Pray
note: this post was published on 08/15/22 but moved the publish date back to the end of May 2018 to keep chronological order.