2018 – April

April already.

We ended the last night of March by entering Oregon. The next morning we stopped and took some photos – because why not?

We also didn’t have any furniture (because we sold a majority of our large furniture when we moved to LA. We didn’t know how long it would be, and it would make moving costs higher, and then there may be an issue with how much space it would take up.

Due to this, we went out while we still had the U-Haul and found some furniture. The picture above is when we got a leather reclining used set from a couple that had just sold their home. Onward to our home! 3851 NW Chemult Place, Portland Oregon.

We had a rental car for the trip up – because the dealership was sending our car via transport. So we made the best of it. Visited a few wineries and even Tillamook for some ice cream. Elijah wanted the whole thing for himself. One of the wineries we visited was Kramer. This was only significant because we (at one time) were going to get married in 2010 at this location. We ended up backing out and postponing for a year as I really wanted (at the time) for my brother to be a part of it. We ended up pushing our wedding out for 2 years and he never came, so we got married without him.

Visiting Kramer though I remember why we fell in love with that location.

Rounding out the month, we took possession of our car (below image getting unloaded). I started work as seen in my Intel badge photo below. There is a random photo of Elijah and Arabella at Costco – these two could not stop hugging each other. There were about 20 photos that we took of them loving on each other. My parents were out with us helping move, and I was able to capture this photo of them both wearing Fairy wings (at Arabella’s request). Arabella would also come outside with me to say goodbye before I left for work. She occasionally would sneak mommy’s phone and take a photo or two. This is a candid photo of me waiting for the time to come so I could leave. Why? Well, I wouldn’t leave too early, otherwise, I’d just end up sitting at work waiting for the right time.

The Woodenshoe Tulip festival was also something we wanted to do with the kids. We don’t know how long the Intel role will last, and let’s make the best of the time we have. Here are some photos of the kiddos in different areas at the event.

just Pray

note: this post was published on 08/15/22 but moved the publish date back to the end of April 2018 to keep chronological order.

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