Year: 2017

2017 – November

November is here! As we were trying to pick a family team, one that EVERYONE could go for – we tried out the Dodgers. I’m not sure they were a great fit, at least I don’t think so. It didn’t feel right. Anyway, during one of the games, the Dodgers lost because everyone ate their…

2017 – October

Life keeps comin’ atcha. Seems like things keep going quicker and quicker! We started off at the beginning of October by selling our house. What a momentous event. It was going to work out, we had prayed about things and felt like this was the end of our time in Arizona. We had grown to…

2017 – September

So a lot happened between the last post and now. We went to 5 & Diner again (no longer our normal location as they closed that location down during this time!). Gas was still pretty cheap (see below: 1.97/gal) and the kids were bonding as well as ever. Arabella had taken a liking to feeding…