2017 – November
November is here!
As we were trying to pick a family team, one that EVERYONE could go for – we tried out the Dodgers. I’m not sure they were a great fit, at least I don’t think so. It didn’t feel right. Anyway, during one of the games, the Dodgers lost because everyone ate their hotdog but Arabella did not. She didn’t care if they won, she did not want to eat the hot dog. You can see a picture of us watching the game in pink T-Mobile capes (at Arabella’s request).
We also went to the Ronald Regan Presidental Library in Simi Valley. It was a lot of fun, and worth the trip. It was the first time we have been on any version of Air Force 1, and there was a lot of history. even part of the Berlin wall.

I thought this view from the back and side of the planes was amazing. First, that view is incredible and the tailfin all but gets erased by the reflections.
So back to that thought we had about what we would do with our time off. As I mentioned we felt motivated to use this time off we had (as our view is that we would not get a time like this again, to not have a restriction of a job or anything – and be able to travel. So what the heck, why not?! Let’s pull the trigger.
Pull the trigger we did. If you see below, we used 60k miles and got 4 tickets to the UK for about $560USD. We would leave in December. Seeing as how we didn’t own very much in regards to long sleeves or coats (other than light AZ weather coats) we decided to go purchase some items so that we would be a little better equipped. Below you can see a photo of the kiddos (partners in crime, those two) at Kohls. Also threw in a freebie of Lijah looking cute in some Mouse Ears.

Nationwide, what was going on? Well, I found this screenshot. Matt Lauer was fired and Trump was being.. well… Trump.
We spend a good portion of our month tracking down and ordering our passports. Even mine had to be re-ordered as my previous one expired without being used. This was the first time that any of us would be flying anywhere overseas. We even started to practice how we would travel (see car seat and the suitcase. It’s best to pack light, as much as possible.

December was almost upon us. We had this little turkey though that kept things fun and allowed us to just enjoy each moment we were in. Look at that smile.
just Pray
note: this post was published on 08/01/22 but moved the publish date back to the end of November 2017 to keep chronological order.