2017 – September
So a lot happened between the last post and now.
We went to 5 & Diner again (no longer our normal location as they closed that location down during this time!). Gas was still pretty cheap (see below: 1.97/gal) and the kids were bonding as well as ever. Arabella had taken a liking to feeding Lijah via a bottle and also LOVED sleeping next to him and with him, with any chance she had.

Arabella also would sometimes add Elijah to her doll basket because he was “so adorable” that he just fit with them. We also took a few photos of him.
Once we got to the middle of September we figured it was time to sell our house. We didn’t get any bites on anything I was applying for with American Express, and so what could we do? I had tried some other places locally but nothing was happening. We had to do something as nothing was no longer an option.
We listed our house. Yes, the same house we had been fixing up this whole time, hardly got done with the paint job on the inside and we were already selling her. What a blow to what we thought was going to be. Yet we listed our house for a fair price and within 2 weeks had an offer on it. During this time we also took a trip up to the Grand Canyon – to ensure that we had some good memories of our final weeks in the house.

The plan now? We would move to Los Angeles and move in with my parents. Boy would this be something new – especially after having a few kids AND owning our own home to have to move back under your parents roof? What could go wrong?
just Pray
note: this post was published on 07/29/22 but moved the publish date back to the end of September 2017 to keep chronological order.