2017 – August part 2
What a way to start off August.
As an update to what talked about last time, we begin to think that if a door didn’t open for us to stay in Arizona at Amex, then maybe it was possible God was leading us to somewhere else. In fact, one of the holdouts we had to Arizona was that we couldn’t find a good church. Well, Jeremy Jernigan had just announced that he would be taking a senior lead pastor role at a Portland-area church. This seemed like everything was lining up. It was where a majority of our family was, we didn’t have a job where we were and one of the pastors from our home church was not leading a church in the PNW. How much clearer could it get?
We did keep applying for jobs at American Express because you never know.
Anyway, in the states, in August 2017 there was also going to be a total solar eclipse. Here was a map of how it was going to move. Being based in Arizona it wouldn’t be the same as Oregon – but still cool. Krispy Kreme even had a special “chocolate covered original glazed” that was special for the eclipse that we got.

What else did we do? We went to a Cardinals fan event and even took photos with the bird! Ara had a dentist appointment and there were other cute photos taken along the way (see above). Finally took Ara to Ted’s hot dogs. Yeah, it’s a thing. If you are ever in the east valley in Phoenix – it is worth a stop!
Did more storm chasing, caught some beautiful rainbows, and then made memories with Ara while painting the house. She still talks about that experience that we had in that house. EVERYTHING compares to it, and typically, nothing will match the fun she had during those days.
just Pray
note: this post was published on 07/29/22 but moved the publish date back to the end of August 2017 to keep chronological order.