May – 2017 part 1
Hey!! It’s gonna be MAY day. Or at least it was. I always think of the Justin Timberlake song.
Leading into this month we had gotten a destructicon. This time it was in the shape of Arabella. She was upset about having to be in her room if memory serves correctly. When we checked on her we found that she had completely destroyed the blinds in her room. This was after her painting with lipstick was still fresh in our minds. (picture below of the destruction. Knowing that life for her would soon be changing forever, we tried to take it all in stride (not sure how well we achieved that) but hey – we at least kept it in mind.

She loved to clean up with mom and dad’s tools, so we would let her help out every so often. The picture of her on the bike was the night before we went into the hospital. We had considered getting this for her as she really LOVED pink. Everything was pink, and Purple (since that was Grammy’s favorite color). She was also very excited to meet her new baby brother. If you couldn’t tell, just look at the photo above.

Oh! Also in between work and travels, we found time to re-do our primary bathroom. The picture above shows the before and after of the changes. Not totally pictured in the first was the horrid old lighting they had. Anyway.. we were happy with how things were coming along with the house.
The last day before going into the hospital?!?! what?!?!?! How could this happen?! Time has been moving so quickly. Here is a fun bit of information: American Express offered parental leave for moms and dads who were having a kid or adopting a kid. All paid leave, for up to 5 months. I had checked with my manager and I qualified for it and then took advantage of it. This was an exciting time – never would I ever have thought that I would be afforded all of this time with my new baby. When we had Arabella I was only able to take 1 or 2 days off (which were my vacation days) and then went back to work. What a change this would be!
I remember logging off from work and posting on Facebook about how I wouldn’t be logging back into work until many months later. It felt surreal.
just Pray
note: this post was published on 07/27/22 but moved the publish date back to the Middle of May 2017 to keep chronological order.