2017 – April

April! So we are nearing the date of the birth month. It is expected to be in May, right now slated to be May 17th.

What should we do before that? Why not go to LA and take some photos? We took a trip to see some filming sights and another time to go take pregnancy photos.

Around this time we had watched the whole season of Day Break. It had one of the people from Private Practice on it so we figured we would give it a shot. The show starts by showing the house that the main character comes out of. I grabbed a screenshot of it. Anyway – we tracked down where it was and gave a little visit.

I like when you can visit the actual places where these things were filmed at. It makes it cooler to me and then you can walk the streets that the characters walked.

We had also finished the HBO Series Big Love. It changed my viewpoints on things. I thought it was a great show and it caused me to look into FLDS more as well. There is some really creepy stuff with that. However, we found the neighborhood that was used for the 3 houses (Nicki, Barb, and Marge). Our white rental is parked in front of the house. Across the street is the same house where the crazy neighbor lived and who shot Bill. Needless to say, we liked this little trip.

As was normal, before we had Arabella we tried to go places and take photos. We did the same thing here except we also had a little girl who wanted to be in the photos too!

Finally, in the last month of Arabella being an only child, we found random places to take photos of her. The blue image above was kind of amazing as it almost perfectly matched what she was wearing. The second photo shows her combing my hair. Ironically she still likes to do this to this very day.

What is with the white photo thing? That is a photo of the ultrasound that we had. I usually never like those images as they don’t really have many defining features and watching it live can be a little creepy. Anyway, this is the photo of the baby to come!

I also had to mention that at this time Arabella was trying to wink. Can you see her attempting to wink?! She did pretty well, but it was still cute. And finally, we went to YCS Mongolian BBQ. It is realllllyyy good food. Plus you always have enough for maybe 3 days of meals. On this rare occasion, we ate INSIDE. Why is that rare? Well.. you can go to the line, fill up your bowl and get it to go. If you do, you can pack enough food to feed a family of 7 or 8, or a smaller family multiple times. Why not just do that and eat inside? Ah, well that is the kicker. No sharing is allowed when dining in. Anyway, all this to say that we splurged and ate at the restaurant. Still as good as ever.

Next month is the birth of the baby boy!

just Pray

note: this post was published on 07/27/22 but moved the publish date back to the end of April 2017 to keep chronological order.

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