6 weeks in
So I am well underway with this new job. Nervous as I’ve ever been about any job I’ve held before.
The requirements. The need for graduation… it weighs on me.
Graduation? You might be thinking that I am still in the air. I’m not. The job is. So maybe I am?. I guess I am too.
It is a scary thing to be living on one paycheck and not even have that be a permanent position.
I am six weeks in. I may not know until the end of December if I get to keep this job. I hope and pray that I am able to. You have to be meeting certain metrics in order to keep the position. In previous classes it’s been the norm that some people simply don’t graduate. Ugh. I couldn’t have come all this way for that, could I? I can’t believe so. It wouldn’t make sense.
So this week started our OJT part of training. Those not use to that lingo: on the job training. The class takes calls all throughout the day, as we would on a normal shift but we have access to help incase we need it. We will be in OJT until we graduate or are let go.
Needless to say there is a lot riding on this.
The future of my marriage and even the unborn child.
So what can I do? Today was a horrible day. I felt as though I didn’t know anything. I seem to do fine when I have an idea of what I should be doing. When I have to deal with the opposite I feel stupid. No joke. Today I felt stupid. It’s the very beginning of OJT yet there are people all throughout the class who are more worried about meeting a bonus than even graduation. They are that sure of themselves that they are already planning that far ahead. Not I… I am trying to make it work. Hoping that things will start to go my way. Or at least that things will start to get easier.
So last Thursday (my Friday) the trainer wanted the class to do a Harlem Shake video. Reluctantly everyone agreed. The result is the link below to the video.
How silly. I’m in green. I had seen the videos for it but to be honest I was always more of a Ganganam Style guy than I was for the Harlem Shake fad.
Anyway. I guess it will be something to remember. That is for sure.
What else? Last weekend we tried a church. It felt like we had jumped back into the early to mid 90’s… Nuff’ said.
Blazers season opener is just a few days away. In some ways the time is zooming by. I have meant to post and update for a while not but have consistently been putting it off.
Today was the day to open the app and just start typing.
The temps are still in the high 80s and low 90s. Just a few more weeks and Phoenix will be entering into the nicer time of the year. I can’t wait. I long for the cool weather. The heat is for the birds. Maybe not even them.
Until next time
just Pray.