July in the two zero 13
What a filled couple of weeks I’ve had.
I have been able to find work to apply to and was luck enough to even be brought in for more interviews. Oh interviews, how I like you so.
So I am waiting to hear back from that position still. Hopefully it comes through… Otherwise we might be taking a trip to PHX or PDX to look for work. Not looking forward to going to either place to be honest. I’d much rather end up in say… SEA or something. Don’t know those locations? Google them.
Anyway things have been crazy. I feel like I am losing my mind and my temper most days. Alas… life goes on.
Talibangelism? It’s a term that some are starting to use to call Christians. That is, if they have a mind of their own. If they don’t be believe in Gay Marriage or other things. If they believe in the bible being the word of God. Ick ick ick. Might not be totally used across the board but I looked up the word on twitter and there were a ton of posts with it. What’s have we become? Is this what the future looks like?
We made a trip to the ocean this past weekend and took Max for the first time. He enjoyed it at first, but then he became more interested in going after other dogs at the dog beach than actually enjoying his time outside of the house. Crazy dog…
Be more dog. Check out this video. Great marketing at work. I enjoyed it.
So this time I shall leave you with some words of wisdom.
Bark less, wag more.
just Pray.