Year: 2012

They’re fine

Hey everyone, I wanted to take a moment and write a blog updating the status of my missing brother and Kris. You can breathe a sigh of relief, they were fine. They didn’t want anybody knowing where they were (not anyone in my family at least). Rude. Inconsiderate. Yes, all of these things and more….


Is it bad that I am not worried? My brother and Kris have been missing for a couple of days now. I have to be honest, I’m mostly worried about Kris… & not as worried about Michael. I’m not really sure what to think. We have called their place of work (IHOP) and they told…


I wonder sometimes if I am related to my brother. Don’t get me wrong, he has good qualities. I just sometimes wonder why I have to look hard to find them. I wish it wasn’t that way. I am blown away that he would lay hands on a woman. Blown away. I’ll be honest, when…