Growing Up

Isn’t it funny?

I was watching Emily Owens M.D. this past week and there was a moment when she said something to the effect of: I thought I was past all my awkwardness and at this age I didn’t think I’d still be dealing with what I had to in elementary school. I never thought at this age I would in some ways be the same awkward person from my youth. (Paraphrasing of course)

I think that quote is right on. I am still just as awkward as I was when I was younger. I still sometimes feel like I am back in elementary school trying to fit in or say the right things to the right people. Maybe certain things you never grow out of- because they are so important to life in general? On some level I thought I’d just come into my own…

Ah well. Just observations mostly.

If you have a chance feel free to watch the show. In many ways it is similar to Greys (not as good as Greys but that’s a super tall order to fill). I think for what it is- its good and overall well cast.

In December already. Wow! How crazy.

I have a whole string of complaints I want to type out about my job right now. I even started to type it out until I realized what I was doing and got rid of it. It’s better that way.

I read my friends Facebook update the other day. She spoke of how she loved going to work- how she hasn’t felt anxious about work since taking the job. (It was also noted how before she use to dread going in to work every day). How much of a blessing it was to work and know she was making a difference in the Kingdom. Working and being able to see the face if Jesus everyday.

It made me a bit jealous – if I’m going to be honest. I so long for such a thing.

Instead, I’ll turn up some TFK and fall asleep if I can stop singing long enough to lose consciousness.

The song I am currently listening to can be found here.

just Pray

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