Movies, Birthdays & Thanksgiving
I know it has been a while since my last update.
I have actually meant to update a few times since my last post – but you know how that goes. Put it off one day – then the next and before you know it you end up forgetting what you were going to blog about in the first place.
It is such an easy thing to do if you can be disciplined about it. I have not been that way for a while and most times wish I could go back and jot down my ideas/memories while they were still fresh. I find myself then trying to recreate those memories at a later time – and if I am unable to I give up altogether with the idea of updating my blog.
I have been working. It has been an experience. The person in charge seems to want to be everyone’s friend and care less about doing actual training. After having watched this guy “train” for the past week or so – I can tell a couple of things.
My Kind of day. Nice, cool cloudy. These have been more often than not as of late. Very nice actually.
1. That he actually has the potential to be a good trainer – but he is just not equipping himself to do the job. 2. He seems to hold some sort of grudge against the company & or just cares too much about being the “cool” trainer. 3. If he took control of the class and implemented multiple ways of teaching – the training itself would likely be much more effective. 4. It is most likely just a matter of time before he is “caught” doing something inside his “circle of trust” that he shouldn’t be doing and get himself fired or reprimanded.
What else? Movies. I am going to combine a few things here. First – the last pre-screenings we went to see. Cloud Atlas and Flight. We saw them within just a couple days of each other. We got them at the last minute and was able to go to the red carpet premier. It was cool. For Cloud Atlas we sat a few rows in front of Tom Hanks and Halle Berry. On the way out they took some back exit and completely dismissed anyone waiting for their autograph out front of the Chinese theater in downtown Hollywood. We did spot some other stars though – Keanu Reeves and Susan Sarandon to name a few. They were nice enough to stop and sign autographs for folks waiting – even stopping and taking up conversation with them. The movie itself? Meh. Cloud Atlas was too busy and had too many story lines for its own good and seemed to drag on for a long time. I liked only a few story lines (such as the one with the old people – watch it and you will agree with me!) Rating? Probably nothing more than a D+.
Meanwhile at the red carpet premier of Flight – we didn’t run into as many stars directly. However it was cool seeing the movie with Denzel Washington, John Goodman and Don Cheadle. I have mostly been a fan of Denzel’s movies and have liked Don Cheadle since he was in “Crash”. While waiting for all the big stars to come out after the movie had ended we bumped into Lea Thompson. First thing I was thinking was “Lorraine Baines McFly!” — but lucky for me this little blurb didn’t come out of my mouth. It was cool. The movie? I didn’t like. Don’t get me wrong… the flight scenes were probably the BEST that I have seen- and extremely intense. However they were over after about the first 30 minutes of the movie had passed. The rest of the movie ***SPOILER so skip to the next paragraph if you care*** dealt with the pilots addiction to drugs. I didn’t like it. I get it – I have had friends deal with drug addiction and come out the other side – but man alive. The movie was called Flight, not Intervention! Anyway, other than that.. the flight scenes made the movie worth watching. I’d probably rate it a C+
Okay – whew. I’ve been wanting to get that off my chest for a while.
Anyway, you know how I posted a picture of the clouds in the sky? Well… check this action out. It’s the forecast for the area – I just hope it is true.
I would be very happy….
So anyway, on the 22nd it was both Sky and my dad’s birthday. We mostly celebrated Thanksgiving instead of the birthdays and decided to do our celebrating on the weekend. Can I say that this Thanksgiving felt weird to me? Because it did. I don’t know why and I don’t know how to describe it – but the whole thing felt off.
Then we come to Saturday (the celebration day). We ran around to different places and picked up freebies for the both of them. That night we went to see Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2.
(Don’t worry, I won’t spoil anything for you) however, I’ll just say that I thought it would have been better, perhaps even with a quicker more engaging story line.
Other than that.. this week I have been back at work. I don’t really want to speak of my feelings about the job- because they don’t really help in any way shape or form. Admittedly this is my blog and my space to speak about who or whatever I want… but I am declining to do so at this point in time. I do however do not desire to be in call center work. Yet today was told that once you are on the phone, know that it’s for good.
Well, with that said… I will leave with a bible verse.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18 So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.
just Pray