Again, yes again
People think that I am crazy. I don’t care. I’m tired of worrying about what other people think. If you have something negative to say, you should keep it to yourself.
For some reason people have this crazy idea, this crazy notion that I like to move. As if I do it for fun… as if my family does it for fun. That is absurd! Why would anyone do such a thing? Moving is one of the most stressful things that you can do in life. At least that’s what the research says.
We moved again. Yes. Again. Back to California, and it is because of a job offer that my dad had received. I know by now you probably have thought of some snide comment or some rude remark, some joke that you would like to tell me about how many times I have moved from here to there. I remember all of the things that people have said to me over the years and it makes me sick. I think it’s pretty bad when I don’t feel like I can talk about something on my own blog.
No, I haven’t told anyone about our moving. It works for us. Sky and myself are getting married in a couple of months (less than that now). It is taking place in California on the coast, so yes.. it works for us. We weren’t fans of having to be stuck in Arizona for who knows how long. Besides, the cutbacks at the state level made it harder to find work… and with not making enough money to make it on our own.. finding any place would be very rough.
Is it a permanent solution to where Sky and myself will be living? No. We are applying locally and we hope to find work. If things don’t work out then we will have to search where ever we can find work. However we will and do have a parameter that we will be searching within.
So yes, the cat is out of the bag. I gave my notice to Toyota at the end of May. We are moving onto the next chapter in our lives. Where that will lead us nobody knows, not even us. As for my parents? They are doing their best to make sure that they are both happy and are both living in a place that gives each of them happiness. I know that they would love to stay in this state and now with this job they have their best shot at doing so.
So, the job search has resumed and I am actively looking for work. I am not enjoying being back with the masses of the unemployed. Even though the job at Toyota wasn’t what I had originally hoped for it still was something.
Again, if I haven’t made it clear – I am tired of all the comments about my moving back and forth. If you really want to know why you didn’t know ahead of time… it is because you have said something. Just think, what I’ve said practically applies to every single one of my friends. Sad.
That’s all I have for this time. Until next time.
just Pray.