Is it bad that I am not worried?
My brother and Kris have been missing for a couple of days now. I have to be honest, I’m mostly worried about Kris… & not as worried about Michael. I’m not really sure what to think. We have called their place of work (IHOP) and they told us that Kris doesn’t work there anymore. They didn’t say that Michael doesn’t work there anymore they just told us that he wasn’t currently at work.
My parents have been worried. My dad has checked with Social Security to see if they had died. They haven’t. Or at least not according to the current record of the Social Security administration. We even checked with her family in the Northwest, but they haven’t seen or heard from her in a few days. I think that’s when my mom started to get a little worried. I’m not really sure what to think but I can’t help but feel that maybe, well just maybe people are getting worked up over nothing.
Despite the events- everything is still a mess. Just the way that Michael has treated my parents is incomprehensible or simply beyond reason. I don’t see how someone can love someone and do what he is doing and has done to them. I don’t even care what he has said or done to me – I only wish that he could truly understand, or care to understand how little he makes my dad feel.
Reality check: You know, at times… I think God feels that way about us.
I can’t really say that I want anything to do with either of them. I can’t say that I feel too sorry for her either because she is choosing to be in a horrible situation that all of my family has told her to remove herself from. My family offered to give her a place to stay and a way to finally get out from under the abuse. And my brother? Is he changing? I don’t know. I’m not writing him off, I’ve never written anybody off. Especially not my brother and not after everything that we have been through. I just am a little fed up right now with his actions. I’ll leave it at that.
Yeah, I imagine that if anything has happened to them I’ll regret saying as much, but maybe not.
So, if you could – keep them in your prayers.
On a side note: This is probably my laziest blog ever. I’ve never had a whole blog typed for me and not need to edit or type 99% of the words. I suppose this is one of the cool things about Siri. She dictates speech & turns it into text. I like it.
I occasionally hear the most random sounds in this house. Like a door slamming, or a rustling in the bush outside… It is hardly ever dull at night.
I don’t have a lot more, but I’ll leave this post ending on a light note. Below is a picture of Max after I woke him up a couple of days ago.
He’s kinda cute isn’t he?
I suppose that’s all I have this time & speaking of prayers… I should probably go do mine.
just Pray.