California Dreamin’

Can you believe it’s already June?!?

That is just crazy.  Anyway.. I had the weirdest dream the other night. (Sunday to Monday).
I had a dream that I was in the house of the woman who plays Juliet (on Grimm). I was in her house talking to her husband and herself. I also remember at one point her husband taking me for a ride in his car (which just so happened to be a Mustang Cobra, midnight blue). It may seem weird but hey, that’s how it went down. In their house (they lived in Portland – same city the show is based in) I asked her if Paul Giamatti lived in Portland as well. In my dream I had for some reason thought that Paul Giamatti (the guy who studded in Lady in the Water) was the same person who played Nick Burkhart in Grimm. She confirmed that he lived in Portland too. I thought that was pretty cool.


Then their in-laws visited. They weren’t very nice people, but the grandma of the group was unlike the rest and came right up to me and hugged me. She started to cry. I didn’t know what to do, there was this older lady hugging me and crying. I told her that everything would be OK, that God will bring her through whatever she was going through. She looked up to me and smiled with her tear soaked eyes and cheeks. She then got on her tippy toes and whispered to me a question. She wanted to know if I wanted a cup of her coffee that she made before I left on my trip home. I told her I would love a cup for the road. Then I was asked by the rest of the in-laws how I knew Juliet. I let them know (of course) that I knew her through Maryia my wife. Fun right? I then began to tell them that I loved Grimm and that it’s a pretty big deal. That’s why ABC pre-screened a showing for it, and that I was a part of that as well. (I know NBC produces the show- but I’m being accurate to what I had said in the dream) They agreed and then asked where I lived. I told them I lived in a city in California with a fancy name that I couldn’t remember the name of. I told them I had just moved there but for the life of me could not remember the city name. They laughed and told me it was alright.


Then in walked another woman. She introduced herself and asked me the same things the in-laws had just finished asking. She wanted to know how I knew someone with such glamor as everyone in the house (including herself). She told me that she was the wife of the founder of Google.


Then I woke up, and off to work I went.

Weird, I know.

just Pray

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