Time goes on & on

It isn’t much fun, but waiting never is.

Doesn’t it seem that when you want or need something it takes that much longer for you to get whatever it is you are anticipating?

Sure seems that way to me.

To say that I am annoyed is perhaps an understatement. I called HR a few times. Was told it would be a week later… Or the second or third time speaking with them it was ‘a few days more’ and so on. I called corporate. Explained to them that I’m essentially putting off others until I heard back from them. She was very nice- very apologetic. She assured me that they would be finished with their selections on Thursday. If in the unfortunate event they weren’t finished she promised to call me and provide a courtesy update. I appreciated her helpful-ness amongst the madness, thanked her and got off the phone.

Thursday came and my phone was silent. No missed calls, no voicemails- zilch. I thought to myself, okay let’s give her until 5:30. Well that didn’t help much either. I suppose what would have helped was having an intention to call in the first place.


It’s aggravating. I’ve never had to deal with things like this before. Anyway I suppose it’ll make me all that more experienced. Today (it just turned Friday) I have another interview scheduled with a different company. No high hopes. It would be a contract position. Let’s just see how it goes and take it from there, shall we? I’ll do my part and pray about it all until I’m blue in the face once again. Something’s gotta give- sometime- someplace- somewhere.

This weekend it could hit 90 degrees again. Which is sort of funny considering that just a few days ago it was cool with temps in the low 40s for a high. It’s a good time to get sick!

So I’ll start to wrap this shin-dig up with a picture of Mayer. She has been a trooper. Still marching along as well as she can.


I think she had the time of her life last night. Jake was outside and she picked up on it after a good hour or so. She tracked him down and started to bite him wherever she could. I’m sure Jake wasn’t quite as amused as I was. He was annoyed but he didn’t bite her… just swatted at her a few times. The poor old girl… She doesn’t have any power in her bite so it’s not like she could harm him. I can imagine what she was thinking though ‘after all of these years’ (of having never caught a cat) “Finally! I caught one! & took a few bites too!”

I was amused. No harm no foul.

Also a quick shout out to my parents: Happy Anniversary as of the 20th

And to JJ: Happy Birthday as of the 21st.

That’s all the update I have. Until next time….

just Pray

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