Busy times

I can’t believe it’s Christmas eve. It doesn’t even feel like it should be the Christmas season. Odd. Less this year than I can ever remember it feeling.

My brother is in town. He, his girlfriend and her 22 year old son. They traveled here from WA to spend a day with us before leaving to spend Christmas and New Years at his girlfriends moms house. They did however run into some car trouble as they pretty much broke down on I-5. I waited up for them as everyone else as fast asleep. Not a creature was stirring not even a mouse! It was nippy outside. Or at least I thought so.


They made it to the house but probably not any further without some costly repairs. So now they are … well stranded at our house until further notice. On Wednesday they are going to look into renting a car so that they can get where they need to be. They are going to AZ to help her mom move her things up to WA. So I guess the wait now is for the unemployment check.

Last time I was going to update saying that I had prescreened quite a few movies and that I was starting to feel like a movie guru. Haha. It is so easy to prescreen films out here. Much easier than it was in AZ or OR. Among the recent movies I have prescreened: Mission Impossible, War Horse, Sherlock Holmes and even Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close. I was actually at the world premier of Sherlock Holmes so I got to see some stars like Robert Downey Jr and Rachel McAdams. She is quite small but just as pretty. I must say, every one of those movies Rocked. I recommend them all.


We ate at Hard Rock cafe in Hollywood cuz of some killer 75% off coupons my mom found. The food was… a lot less than everyone expected. Think prices were sky-high and food quality very low. Anyway.. I was glad that for 5 of us it only cost 20 instead of the 100 it would have normally.

Hmmm so here is some randomness. On the way back from one of our prescreens we stopped at the Hollywood sign and ended up at this gorgeous spot overlooking the whole city. Griffith observatory. If you ever visit it is a must do… And totally free. Hmm what else? A picture, this one doesn’t do it justice… Alas here you go:

Here is a pic of one of the signs:


I am still job searching. The work I had remaining at ILS is now coming to a close quickly so a job sooner than later would be great. I just feel so dejected, so blah. I am not hearing back from anyone but I am thinking that is because of the holidays. I feel useless. But like that reliant K song, ‘I’m a little more than useless’ I’ll resume looking for work after the first of the year. All job sources are saying that employers are on a winter break kind of thing from posting and looking for jobs until after the first of the year. I suppose that’s better news than just.. No news at all? 🙂

A little later on tonight we are going to go to a Christmas eve service. It has a candlelight service at 9pm. Should be fun.

Tomorrow is Christmas. I feel out-of-place even in my on home this year. I don’t like it but then again I don’t know what to. I’d like to offer myself some suggestions. Haha maybe it will come to me later. It feels like things have changed with my brother. It is weird. I don’t know how to explain it. Ah well.. what can you do?

That’s all I have for now. This might just be my last post for the year! Who knows.

Happy Birthday Sabrina.

Happy Holidays, Happy Christmas, Seasons Greetings.. Merry Christmas.

just Pray.

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