
I really like the ‘Fix You’ song by Coldplay. I have always wanted to see them in the UK or somewhere close to where they’re from. Then again I’ve pretty much always had a huge longing for something long term over seas (London area), so those that know me will know that I haven’t changed much with regards to that.

Hmm so the other day we were able to go to the drive in for some free movies. We watched Real Steel and Dolphin Tale. Each one was actually pretty good, besides… I wanted to see them so at the very least I don’t have to wait to see them on Redbox.


A view from the drive in

Hmm what else? I updated Maryia and my dad to iOS 5 today. It’s nice, even on our 3GS phones. Has some nice updates.

I also watched the guilty verdict on Conrad Murray handed down in LA. Ooh this turned out to be a good segue.

So it is looking pretty official on moving to California. Right back where we started from.. (before my parents checked out AZ in 1989 they took the family to Disneyland). Now we will be like 15 minutes from there. Kind of crazy, and only like 10 miles from the ocean.


That is roughly the area we will be in. Fun times. I’ve always wanted to live in southern California so I hope it’s a good thing for everyone and that things will work out for the best.

just Pray.

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