
Hello everybody.

I wanted to stop and write a quick blog. Hoping that this little rash of posts will lead to my thought becoming unlocked. I can try, right?

Product (RED). No not the band, but rather the cause. Perhaps I can jog your memory to the cause?


I like ONE and (product)red and support them when I can. Anyway… I’ve spent some time in the last day and have found some pretty wicked looking backgrounds. I know what you are thinking, random much? yes.

Last night as you might have seen from my twitter feed on the right we reached episode 149 or the first episode of season 8 of Grey’s anatomy. I like the show, it has dark and twisty characters that make points to patients as well as themselves (the doctors giving the advice). If you haven’t seen it before I’d recommend at least trying it out. You might be surprised.

It seems like I am just jumping from topic to topic today! Hmmm, well the NBA has been negotiating for 2 days. Last night they spent some 16 hours trying to come to an agreement. Hopefully this isn’t a false positive but a real breakthrough. It would be nice to have a season.

I must say that today feels like it’s taking a long time. In general. I looked at the clock and thought it was going to be 4 or 5 but instead I noticed it was nearly 1pm. Funny how that works sometime, isn’t it?

I am ready for the cooler temperatures any day now. We’re still hovering around 100 for our daytime highs. It’s only A week or two away before we should start to cool down. I just need some patience….

Here’s a random fact for you. I do most of my blogging nowadays via my iPhone. I really think it is the reason that getting back to blogging has been easier than not. I’ve gotten use to typing on a much smaller area than a keyboard and now it’s second nature to do so.

That’s all I have for this time so until next time…

just Pray

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