A second serving.
Two updates over two days? Crazy.
Well in sports news the Yankees clinched a playoff spot and the AL east. Fun times, the post season is almost here!
I was reading news on my twitter the other day and thought this link was cool. It’s from my old church, thought some might also find it just as cool as I did. Here is the article.
So yesterday we took Jake (our cat) to the vet.
He is seen above chillin on the couch. We had to take him in to be checked out for vomiting. Unfortunately he has been doing so rather consistently for some time now (multiple months on end). We have tried expensive food, wet food, cheap food.. we have tried mixing up when we feed him, how often and even how much. Nothing helped.
Thankfully with a coupon for a free checkup we found online we brought him in. They let us know he needs blood work ($200) to start, plus we should also look into some of the prescription food they have as he may be diabetic. Costs of an 8lb. food bag is some 50 dollars.
Ouch, ouch and more ouch. I can’t afford that. I hope the little guy can stay healthy because I’ll need a job before I can start that process. Those are required if it’s a simple fix. He would need to stay on that new food going forward. Or if it did not take care of his issue there would be other surgeries that we could have them do. The cost would however be through the roof. Quite possibly through my credit card too.
So here’s hoping he can stay healthy until we can afford it. If he can’t then they said we would need to take him to the ER.
Can I catch a break already?
just Pray