April 14th?

Where is the year going?

The other day we were at the store and picked up a small grill.  It turned out to be a good buy as we have already used it on cookouts for hotdogs and buffalo burgers.  The same night that we bought it Maryia and myself made some sort of make-shift bon fire.  Only on a small scale.. to cook some smores.  It turned out well.  We enjoyed ourselves and we picked the best night in a few to do so.  The night was clear, cool and just right for roasting.

In a short time I will be moving back to Arizona.  Again.  It is coming up in a few short weeks.

Yes, I know how crazy that sounds, but it is reality.  Hopefully I will be able to find a job rather quickly.  I’ve been applying at some places that aren’t call center jobs.  I might have to revert to just call centers if I don’t find something within the next two months.

My brother is homeless after having been kicked out from two separate places.  Once for having been drinking and the other time because the person couldn’t afford to take care of him any longer.  He also lost his job that he had.  Haven’t heard from him in a while.  I think my parents are going to try and call him in the next day or two.

HP: So I sent my laptop in and it has been fixed, however only 1 of 2 problems were actually fixed.  Now I have to send it back in and have it fixed for this other issue as well.  *sigh* At least they were able to fix one of the problems.  The computer also runs better now that I’ve upgraded the memory to 8 gigs.  It practically purrs.

Sports news.

Blazers lost their season finale last night, but it was an irrelevant game.  We had already been locked into 6th place.  Then with the Lakers winning and Dallas falling— the west coast is finally set.  3 vs 6 and that means that Portland will be playing Dallas in the first round this year.

On a side note, the Suns missed the playoffs.  That made me very happy.

I believe our first game is this Saturday and I want to go downtown to the Rose Quarter to watch this game live (as live as it would be on TV as it is an away game) but I still like the idea of it.  Plus it’s free and you get to go watch the game with other fans.

I suppose that is all the update that I have in me.  Once I won’t have to worry about sending my laptop in for repair any longer I hope to post updates a little more often than once or twice a month.  We’ll see.

Last note… it says this is my 799th post.  I think thats crazy.

Take care.

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