March Sixteenth.  How crazy.

News just came today that Nate Dogg died at age 41.  He was young.

In Japan last Friday there was a mega quake of 8.9 that tore up the city.  A tsunami came through and ravaged half of the eastern coast.  Meanwhile waves were sent as far as Mexico and even further south.  California and Oregon reported some heavy damage and at least one death was reported due to the waves.

Couldn’t get much worse right?  Wrong.  Then due to all of the earthquakes and subsequent aftershocks every hour or less… the nuclear reactor in Japan is now in high danger of releasing deadly radiation.  Not just one reactor, but I think there are a total of 4.  The US, UK and other countries are attempting to help yet from the outside it doesn’t appear so hopeful.  It is so sad, please pray for everyone who is dealing with this tragedy and for those helping out.

I heard a news story yesterday that said something along the lines of the following: If you take a job that is below you – or that pays lower than you were looking for, or that you have a low level of satisfaction with, mentally it is much worse for you and you will subsequently be more unhappy/negative than you would have been without finding a job what so ever.

Good to know.  Not that I can find a job anyway.  The news article was actually supposed to be for someone who can’t find a job, saying that it’s better off that you don’t find one until you get one that you would be a good fit for.

I’ve still been searching for a job in various places.  I am still having next to no luck finding anything.  Blah…

Tomorrow is Saint Patrick’s day.  Blazers beat the Mavs last night.  It was a good win for a team that seems to play up to the skills of their opponents.  That’s a bad habit, hopefully they’ll break themselves of it before too much longer.  Might not have enough time.  After all – there are only like 15 games left for us to play before playoffs are to start.

I didn’t notice until now that on my last blog I posted there was a chance for snow.  Well it turns out that we got some snow.  It was enough to cover the ground for a day or so.  That’s the first time it’s happened since living here.  It was cool to see.

My HP continues to have problems.  Nothing too major, but now the problem happens to be that the computer won’t shut down.  Yeah, right?  It shuts down normally but when it gets to the “Shutting down” screen on Windows 7 the computer just hangs in that screen and won’t turn off.  Its annoying.  I’ve done a BIOS update, HP updates, windows updates.  It isn’t just my computer having this problem so it makes me believe that its more of a wide spread problem than HP will let anyone on to.

Last bit of information… I’ve been trying to update the various websites that I maintain.  Implementing new html and other neat codes to give them a refreshed look.  Also adding captcha (when you have to verify the letters/numbers in a box) to reduce spam.  It’s been the biggest thing keeping me busy.  I might update my blog layout and the main site.  I have been meaning to for a while and I think it’ll actually get done sometime soon.

I guess thats all I have for now.

Until next time.

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