3 days.

Yes there are only three days remaining until Emily’s birthday.  It is kind of surprising that it is already here.  The end of the month.

So this is my second post this month!  It almost reminds me of the days when I use to blog every-single-day.  Or at least close to that because if I missed a day or two I had lots to talk about.  I think part of that might have been my illusion that I was speaking to a number of people.  Now it doesn’t matter to me.  I could be talking to ten thousand people or one person or perhaps just myself.  I blog as a sort of – release.

[Insert personal rant here :// Sometimes I am amazed at what people don’t realize.  They might not realize what I am sacrificing or.. in a way, being made to give up.  People can be very selfish, I know this.  At times I even find myself to be selfish.  It’s frustrating.  I’ve tried to explain things that I am giving up, that I have given up… or that I will be but it usually falls upon deaf ears.  It sometimes feels so one sided, that by you not getting your way.. I am getting my way.  If people aren’t going to be happy with my company then I ask the question: why keep my company?  I wouldn’t.  It’s illogical.  If you are giving up everything you have worked for in your life for me… I don’t want that.  Shouldn’t the point be to be happy?  I don’t see the point in being unhappy if you don’t have to be.  I don’t want anyone to feel forced to be there for me or forced to stick around. \:  End of personal rant ]

On the automotive side: Ford is going to be coming out with a few hybrids that you can plug in.  I think it’s pretty cool.  You can go fully electric or you can use gas.  It’s a preference which they leave to your controls.  This should help with people who are on the fence of getting a fully electric car.  I’d get one if I were making the money to warrant it.

This past weekend I was able to practice some voodoo by getting some Voodoo Doughnuts.  They’re good.  mmhmm

I still do not have any news on finding another job.  I am applying at various places from Seattle to Phoenix.  This week I think I will try to tinker with some web design and perhaps a few new projects.

I am beginning to think that my love for this city is a forbidden love.  Maybe I was only meant to like the sports team and follow them from afar.  I don’t really know.  It doesn’t look too promising.. and if I do have to move from this place I can’t see myself looking to come back for quite a while and even then there would need to be pretty good guarantees in place (better pay on a job, winning the lottery… etc).  It is so disheartening yet it is my reality.  What can I do?  Roll with the punches.  I seem to be pretty good at that.

There is a chance for snow this week on Wednesday, Thursday & Friday.  I know some people hate the idea of it.. but I hope we get it.  I’d love to see it.  Maybe I’d even take some pictures..

Thats all I have for now.  Until next time.

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