Christmas, New Years and my birthday have all passed.

As a new year is upon us, we are again moving at the speed of light.

My family visited my brother in Washington over the holiday (Christmas).  It went rather well.  There were not many blow ups.  Only a minor one where both my brother and my dad expressed their wishes to live elsewhere in the US.  Thats life.  Joy of joys…

On top of that, Maryia and myself the whole time were on the brink of breaking up.. again.  Needless to say, I didn’t enjoy the holidays that much this year.  Better luck next year.  We have however been fighting less since that time and some hope has been restored.

On New Years day we went to the coast and enjoyed a sunny New Year on the coast.

Lets see… I have been rapidly running out of money and I had to uninsure my car (seeing as how there is no money coming in and next to no jobs to even apply for).

A few days later it became my birthday.  Yep, I totally feel like I’m getting old.  The better part of my 20’s are now behind me.  Yet I find myself looking for a job.  I never thought I would be at this intersection at this time in my life.  My birthday was rather low key – until about mid-day when I was on my laptop and it did this surge thing.  Ut oh.  It turned off and then would not restart.  I did some troubleshooting with some various sites online and determined that the issue was my motherboard.

My motherboard goes out? on my birthday.  Lovely.  Ah well, life goes on.  But wait, now I have no car- and no way to apply for jobs.  So for now, I have to borrow a laptop to apply for jobs or check email or anything really.  I suppose it could be worse.  I’m just ready for things to start improving.

That is kind of the update.  I have been applying at various things like positions dealing with billing, technical service, banker jobs and even retail positions.  The one variable I think that could be hindering me, is that I am not looking for a call center job.  I don’t mind being on the phone from time to time.  At my last job it was a natural part of the job.  However in saying that I also don’t want to be trapped on the phone all day.  It isn’t a good fit for me.

My work over at 2nine studios has been slow going since my computer died.  Things should be picking up soon as I am looking in to the possibility of getting another laptop and biting the bullet with my savings.  Tough times call for tough measures.

Tonight is the state of the union address.  I want to hear Obama talk about jobs and nothing more.  The american economy is kind of screwed up in the fact that our economy sucks and yet our stocks (which has always been an indicator of how things are going) are soaring to new levels for the first time in years.  Things aren’t how they seem.  Instead of talking about improving the economy (aka stocks) I hope that he provides solutions to the job market.  I will be looking for real solutions to real problems.

Yet I know at the end of the day he will give some mumbo jumbo speech about how things are improving.  How the quality of jobs will be improving and how despite more cuts that we will see in the coming days that things really are improving.  That is what the american public has been fed for the past 2 years.. why would that stop with this administration?  Exactly, it wouldn’t.

Thats all I’ve got so until next time…

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