New Post!

I know, it has been over a month.

the Partner operations job has been a big undertaking. It has kept me very busy. It has had some good things in it for me. I’ll explain now. I have been able to go to every home playoff game for the Phoenix Mercury. WNBA – I know, not something I am into. I went for a regular season game because they were giving out the suite tickets – so I figured why not. Then they offered every playoff game. I went and was impressed. One game was pushed into overtime and they won. All of the tickets I got were lower level (not cheap). Considering that the company just gave them away – I felt that the least I could do is go.

And go I did. They had a game where 1 courtside ticket was available. I took it + my other tickets with my family. We all traded off sitting courtside during the WNBA finals. Quite the experience. Very cool…

The first picture is from courtside- the other was taken a few moments after they won the championship. Indiana was the other team in the finals. We got to see Lisa Leslies last WNBA game and the Mercury successfully take out the Los Angels Sparks and the San Antonio Silver Stars before taking out the Indiana Fever in game 5. You can click on the picture and it will make it bigger…

Anyway.. moving on to life. Right? That is what I should be talking about. But there is more sports for me to talk about. Yes! How Sweep it is! Yankees swept the Twins and advance to the championship series before the World Series. The Cardinals won tonight and the Redsox blew a 9th inning lead, with 2 outs and 2 strikes. They really blew it. The Blazers are playing preseason… all of it makes me happy…..


I was apparently given this job as a temporary assignment (and if they liked me it would become permanent). A week or so ago Tom informed me he would be applying for another job. He got that job. so that means that nobody else will be doing my job- but me. That should be good for me, right? I should be an automatic in for the job. It isn’t quite so easy. Mary (the director) said she was opening up the position to everyone and asked if I would be applying for it along with others. I told her I was interested in getting the position but ugh. There is a lot more to this work drama, but I simply am being lazy and don’t want to type it all up.

They have yet to publish that job posting and tomorrow will be the first day that the position is mine? Even though it isn’t mine. I halfway want to go back to my old job and leave them with nobody – but I realize that wouldn’t be a good career move. haha..

I wish I could just move back to Portland. I can’t – and really with the WNBA playoffs keeping me distracted things have been crazy busy. A good busy, I suppose. Time just flies. It has been moving so quickly. I am doing pretty well at my job.. at least I have others telling me that I’m doing good. I just don’t know. My finances are pretty tight right now (when you take into consideration the bills in Portland that I don’t use) plus trying to pay off the car and small things here and there. I will survive, I am keeping my head above water (easy to do in a desert hahaha) but it will just take longer for me to be financially stable until JJ finds a job that will support the bills.

I hardly every hear from that kid. I know we don’t always have a lot to talk about – but still. Just keeping in contact -keeping me in the know of what is going on in his life. I send him messages and contact him by phone every so often but it stops at that.

I had planned on going to Portland for Christmas to visit my brother with my family, but I asked Mary if I could take a week off in December to do so – and she told me no. In fact, I may only get Christmas day off (which is still up in the air). Ah well, no biggie… as long as my parents are still able to go and visit my brother I am sure he will be fine.

I know there is probably a ton of stuff I am forgetting in this update, and can you really blame me? So much time has went on …. a lot of the stuff going on with me has been feeling overloaded with work and frustrated with how the job is coming along. But that is life….

I guess I’ll leave it at this for now. I will update again, soon? Well, don’t hold your breath – but I’ll try.

just Pray

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