life is crazy.. that much is determined.

I’ve been addicted to the old dc Talk lately… I even like their new song they have on Kevin Max’s CD, the track is called “The Cross” – and yes they still got it. It would be amazing to hear a CD released now…

I have been putting off updating because I really have not been all that productive. I went for an interview with US bank. They want me. They want me a lot. I know, good news right? It first was a sales job. After my interview the manager told me it was good. Remember? They give you a sample of the script before you have your second interview. I looked it over and it was 100% sales. I called them up and told them that I was not interested in the position. But rather I was looking for a customer service job, if for any more questions please call me.

On a surprising turn of events – they called me. They said that there must have been some miscommunication when I interviewed. They had two positions open. Sales and Customer service. I had been interviewed for sales. She told me she had again talked with the interviewing manager and they felt that the customer service would be a better fit. They wanted me to come in interview with them. She told me that she was very interested in getting me on to a Customer service team. Good right?

They also told me that I would receive a copy of the scripting for the customer service position – something that is not normally done, but again – she wanted to stress they were wanting me to be happy. Yes, yes that’s good. I just – I don’t know. It is a step back from what I have been doing.

So I can either take a literal step back and work in Arizona for a few months or so while I wait for something to open up here – or I can take this now. I understand this would be a good job, I would also be making nearly 10K less than I did in Arizona. I have done the math – if I returned I would be ahead (after paying all of my bills up here) by almost 3k.

Now they never sent me the customer service scripting. I called them yesterday afternoon and told them that because I didn’t receive any scripting I couldn’t come for the interview. They replied through email shortly after apologizing that they had not sent it- attached it to the email and asked to reschedule the appointment.

My only thing is – do I really want to do that? Do I want to be taking a step back – taking less pay and a job that is under what I have been doing for the past year to continue to live in Portland? If I were in Arizona I would be saying “yes! no doubt in that matter!” but now that I am up here and the stuff really goes down– I don’t want to. I would like to return to retail before I get stuck in the dead end job of being on the phones.

Pros to this position is that its banking. Something I have never done. It would open doors for other jobs in the future. You can’t really go wrong with having this type of experience and compiled with the identity theft experience I have, I could prove to be a big asset for the company.

Cons to this position – I hate the phones.. I see it as a dead end job. I kind of feel that having been on the phones for a few years in the past (2 and 1/2 at Sears and only a few months at LifeLock) I’ve done my time. I’m past that.

I am thinking that maybe I should go for the second interview and ask the “customer service managers” how quickly – per say – I could get out of this job and something that isn’t totally phone based. And go from that? If they tell me that I’ll be in this position for 6 months or a year before anything else, then.. I guess I’ll see what happens.

I’m torn.

And that is just the job side of things.

JJ has been somewhat withdrawn lately. Mostly because he has been talking to his girl. The one who has spent the night twice so far. Today he didn’t come out of his room until 7pm.. and he doesn’t have any lead for jobs. I kind of feel like I should throw my hands up in the air about it. I don’t “feel” he is looking for jobs- if at all. His family is coming out. He has told me his plans to take them to the coast, see the waterfalls etc.. and I must say that I am kind of hurt by the fact that he has not even thought that maybe I’d like to go as well. Get to know his family more…. *sigh*

I am still very much single, but this is funny. I was on a website that matches you with people, and one of the people it matched me to was Sky. I’ve not mentioned her before – but she is someone from Cascade. At first I was surprised she was on it, then I was thinking if it was true – would we? Really?

Anyway. LifeLock is still very much ready to take me back, I just have to say the word. I wish they didn’t want me, or said they couldn’t help me any more. That would make my whole decision process a whole lot easier.

Despite popular belief, this whole decision isn’t just about my living arrangements and simply not having a good job. I think about it and if I am in Arizona working, I could afford to have dental work done. I could afford things that I won’t be able to afford if I take the job that will most likely be offered to me. It would also be easier if I could just say “hey, hold this job for me- I’ll take it in 6 months.”

Girls! So I am going to blog about this too. I have made this a very long post so far, and I’m not done yet!

Three people I had recently been interested in (within the past 6 months) have dropped out. haha. Not of school or anything, but more like – they just aren’t interested? Yeah. I guess that’s it.

Rebecca the girl that once said to me- and I quote “You make me want to smile and cry and laugh at the same time You are so sweet and I totally don’t even come close to deserving it. You are truly one of the last decent men left. You’re amazing” Yeah about her. I guess I am too good to date her. No no, I’m not kidding. It gets better – after I go through this whole thing of being committed she says she would like to see how things go. The next day she starts dating someone else. Ouch….

Stacie. Ah yes, you said you would be willing to see where things went. I guess that wasn’t totally true – because she decided to stop talking to me once she decided to move to Seattle. I texted her what was up and she said “I think I have made my intentions quite clear”

Ruth – oh Ruth. The best friend of Stacie. She told me she would date me. I guess the story is- she thinks that I am too good for her. I would be disappointed if I started dating her.

One thing is in common with these things. They get confronted – they feel bad and start crying. I comfort them and then everything is fine. It’s like someone who is dying – yet all of their friends and family do nothing but cause more stress. They usually end up comforting the ones who should be doing the comforting.

Right now, it’s whatever. Girls are a head trip – and love to play with emotions. I don’t need that…

Finally.. I come to an updated part. No not about girls, but about my life. The other day JJ and I went to the zoo (every second Tuesday of the month admission is $2) so we figured what better way to get out? We went and it was pretty fun. JJ was complaining about being hungry, but other than that it was good. We walked around the zoo (and a good portion of it was under construction for new areas) but it was still worth $2.00, we even took a trip around Washington Park and the Zoo on the Zooliner. haha It’s a little train they have going around the place.

I think that is all I have. I can’t sleep – when I do I wake up and my back hurts. When I’m awake I feel tired and bored… ah well haha.

I have to remember: Wag more. bark less.

just Pray.

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