I am watching definitely maybe. I remember liking this movie… thinking it was cute.
For the 4th of July I went to Seaside. It was great. I have posted videos on youtube. go to www.youtube.com/jayshox and see them if you’d like.
I also posted pictures on myspace. so if I’m your friend on there, go ahead and look.
It was pretty much fantastic. The best experience I’ve had for the 4th. Unlike anything else that I’ve had before. I would suggest for everyone to go to the Oregon coast for the 4th of July, at least once! The show was all over. Right in front of you- behind, on the sides.. you were surrounded- engulfed in the show.
I also had a job fair-interview thing today with US Bank. I didn’t want to prepare. I feel defeated by these job interviews and by looking for jobs in general. It is driving me crazy, no joke. So I didn’t prepare- I just dressed up, printed an interview and went. It was fine. I arrived early and then waited a little bit before it was my turn. I talked with the interviewer – answering all of the questions she asked. I do try to do that during an interview. haha.. anyway I got done with the interview and she paused for a moment, leaned forward and said “… you are one of the best interview I’ve had today.. and that I’ve had in months. It is really a breath of fresh air” I thanked her and went to schedule my second interview.
I had a conversation with Emily tonight about how it isn’t my interview skills that are keeping me from getting the job. It has became obvious to us that I don’t get jobs because I don’t have that piece of paper saying I have a degree, or a masters. It is discouraging. It doesn’t matter if I am more qualified than the next applicant- but it does matter if I am holding that sacred paper.
It isn’t the best thing, but it is the way it is. After all – it’s a flooded market.
Anyway, I would be watching this movie more but JJ is talking over the TV to whoever he is talking to on the phone. I guess he has plans to go out tonight so it should quiet down soon.
I guess that’s all I got. I have started reading the John Eldredge book I picked up recently, and it is good. Once I get into it a little more I’ll post quotes.
just Pray
Very valid, and on point.